How to Make Your Own House Cleaning Schedule
Planning is always the best part of doing anything. This is when you get to dream about the happiest path possible to reach your end goal – a home that is quick and easy to clean. But the house is not going to clean itself. So I do advise that you don’t treat planning like you’re writing a novel which needs editing.
Do it quickly!
Then start working even if you’re not finished with the schedule. For me the house cleaning schedule is the second phase of planning. It comes right after the making of checklists. So this should not take more than 30 minutes to complete.
However, if this is the first time you’re trying this out it may take a little longer. Making a schedule is one of the most difficult phases of the planning process. Failure to properly estimate the amount of time a cleaning task needs – can be demotivating. This is especially true when you don’t meet your goal or see and enjoy the impact of the effort you put in.
It all starts with your calendar. One that shows all the commitments you’ve made for your time. Now, we may have a tendency to treat cleaning as a low priority, but you should avoid that. Make it a priority. Meaning that if you put on your schedule that breakfast dishes should be cleaned and put away before leaving the house in the morning. Then do what you need to do in order to make that happen – even if it means waking up a little bit earlier.
Once you add the cleaning task to your calendar treat it like sacred time not to be usurped – unless there is an extreme emergency. Put your cleaning tasks in the timeslots when you will complete them. Although we do have a habit as human beings to under estimate the amount of time a task will take – there are steps we can follow to mitigate that issue

COVID busters: Just how deep is a deep clean?
Forget feather dusters and mops. Fogging machines, steamers and a special double wipe are the key weapons in the fight against the highly infectious coronavirus. Who deploys them and how is the work regulated?
Usually, they’re donning their hazmat gear to scrub down crime scenes or shuttered meth labs. But in recent months they’ve been lending their decontamination expertise to a new (and booming) market: coronavirus “deep cleans”.
This may well be the year of the big clean. As the pandemic rages around the world, offices, shops, hotels and homes are being wiped down like never before – sometimes three, four, even five times a day. Airlines have pulled out the kinds of chemicals usually reserved for nuking superbugs and herpes in a bid to keep passengers safe from the contagious new virus that causes COVID-19.
How does a deep clean kill the virus?
We live in a sea of viruses – most can’t hurt us – but right now we are on the hunt for one in particular. We can’t see it with the naked eye but when we breathe it out indoors it can build up in the air, and when we cough and sneeze it can shoot out in bigger viral balls known as droplets.
Sometimes it will stick to surfaces, surviving for hours or even days. It will eventually break down and die and it is still unclear how much of the virus you would need to ingest to fall sick – say, from touching a door handle and then touching your mouth or nose. Surface contamination is not considered the main way people catch COVID-19. Patients mostly seem to pick it up while in close proximity to someone who is infected, when the microbe is still lingering in the air or falling in droplets between them.
Housekeeping Guide for Deep Cleaning during Covid-19
hotels use cleaning products and protocols that are approved for use and effective against viruses, bacteria and other airborne and blood-borne pathogens. We are working with our vendors, distribution partners and suppliers to ensure an uninterrupted supply of materials.
Public Spaces and Communal Areas. The frequency of cleaning and sanitizing has been increased in all public spaces with an emphasis on frequent contact surfaces including, but not limited to, front desk check-in counters, elevators and elevator buttons, door handles, public bathrooms, stair handrails, gym equipment, dining surfaces and seating areas
Guest Rooms. Industry leading cleaning and sanitizing protocols are used to clean guest rooms, with particular attention paid to high-touch items including television remotes, toilet seats and handles, door and furniture handles and locksets, water faucet handles, telephones, light switches, temperature control panels, table tops and flooring.
Laundry. All bed linen and laundry will be changed daily and continue to be washed at a high temperature. Dirty linen will be bagged in the guest room to eliminate excess contact while being transported.
Back of the House. The frequency of cleaning and sanitizing will also increase in high traffic back of house areas with an emphasis on the employee dining rooms, employee entrances, uniform control rooms, employee restrooms, loading bays, offices, kitchens and security scanning areas.
The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has shaken the world and as a result, people have turned their attention to Deep cleaning, and we have thus experienced an increase in demand for our Commercial deep cleaning and deep cleaning disinfecting service.
Responsive cleaning specialists with particular expertise in Deep cleaning and believe that it is our duty to respond to the needs of our clients, especially during these unprecedented times. In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we have developed a new ‘Coronavirus cleaning’ and Antiviral Sanitisation service, based on Public Health guidelines, in an effort to help reduce the risk of infection.
currently offering the following services;
Coronavirus Deep Cleaning & Virus decontamination
Commercial Coronavirus Deep cleaning
Back to work Deep Cleaning & Workplace Antiviral Sanitisation
Welfare Deep Cleaning & Disinfecting
Construction site Deep Cleaning & Sanitisation
Office space Deep Cleaning & Disinfecting
Back to work’ Deep cleaning
Many workplaces have been closed for several weeks now, as many companies began initiating working from home policies even before the official lockdown had been announced. Concerns of the lasting impact of the Coronavirus on businesses and the wider economy are rife and more and more companies are eager to return to work. It therefore makes sense then, to begin planning for a return to work, as soon as is physically safe and possible. This will of course vary from industry to industry, depending on the nature of the works carried out. A critical step in the planning process for most workplaces will be the implementation of additional cleaning measures to ensure that the workplace is clean, safe and hygienic for its returning staff. It is important however that premises are not only given an initial thorough Deep clean, aka a ‘Back to work clean’, but that practices are in place to ensure regular maintenance is achieved.
Disinfection of all visible and accessible areas with fogging machine – this is the quickest solution and the cheapest, and also gives a fast turnaround meaning staff can return to work quicker. However, it is not as thorough as a deep clean. This is particularly recommended for large workplace premises.
Coronavirus Cleaning Guidelines
Enhanced routine for coronavirus cleaning guidelines Bear in mind that these cleaning guidelines for coronavirus are technical and most useful for professional decontamination cleaning companies. If you are a business in need of infection control services due to coronavirus contamination, or more general information relating to the services relevant to your business
Coronavirus cleaning guidelines
These guidelines are designed to help reduce the risk of spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) from contact with contaminated surfaces. We recommend sites adopt enhanced cleaning processes, as it is recognized that our housekeeping procedures, whether provided by our colleagues or a vendor, may not be thorough enough to adequately reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission.
Site leaders are expected to discuss these guidelines with their cleaning services or company employees (as applicable) and ensure that they are immediately implemented
It is also recommended that site leaders (or designee) periodically observe the actual cleaning process to ensure proper implementation
Of primary concern for cleaning and disinfection, site leaders need to be aware of the occupancies and surfaces where frequent human contact might provide a reservoir for COVID-19. While each facility and operation will be different, the following areas should receive focused attention:
Areas of human congregation (including, but not limited to, offices, conference rooms, canteens/cafeterias, locker rooms and reception areas)
Hygiene facilities (including, but not limited to, lavatories/toilets, shower rooms, hand- washing stations)
Dispensaries (including, but not limited to, medical and first aid stations, emergency shower and eyewash stations).
Touch-point cleaning – what surfaces to clean:
Canteen tables and chairs
Crockery, trays and cutlery
Sinks, taps and kitchen areas
Toilets AND all surfaces within
Water fountains
Drinks dispensers
Vending machines
Lifts, their doors & buttons
Desktops and all work surfaces
Doorknobs and door handles
Light switches and dimmer switches
Computer monitors, keyboards, mice
Tablets and laptops
Telephone equipment
All chair rests and arms.
Coronavirus cleaning frequency
The areas highlighted above should be cleaned at least daily and, if possible, between shifts. Sites should use a commercial disinfecting wipe, detergent and water, or commercial anti-microbial products (see Disinfection section below for a list of likely effective cleaning solutions). The general guideline is that the more people who contact surfaces, the more frequently that surface should be cleaned.
Internal or external cleaning staff will be responsible for regular cleaning of common areas frequented by employees
Provide disposable wipes or other cleaning products identified in Table 1 (listed further below) so that commonly used surfaces can be wiped down by employees before each use.