A Natural Remedy for Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes are eating us alive every time we go outside on our deck. What can I spray to get rid of them that won‘t poison our cats
Forget the sprays! There is a much simpler solution that harkens back to grandmother’s day, even before window screens. First off, sprays are temporary at best – if they work at all. And plants that supposedly run off insects are very impractical (forget anything sold as an “amazing mosquito repellent” – they simply don’t work). Even the misters that spray a fog of insecticide won’t work for long, and are expensive and smelly to boot. Plus who knows what all else they may kill
The simplest solution, other than applying bug repellent creams, the simplest solution, which I employ all the time in my hot, humid, ‘skeeter-ridden garden, is a fan.
I set out a cheap box fan, like the ones we used to put in windows, on one corner of my patio, which makes a slow breeze. Then I put a small oscillating fan nearby where its regular back-and-forth movement breaks up the steady stream of air from the box fan. The combination is guaranteed to thwart the most persistent biters, as well as provide a nice cool breeze.

Mosquito Control Tips Every Homeowner Should Know
Both annoying and potentially dangerous due to the number of serious diseases they carry, mosquitoes are an insect that no one wants to encounter. Unfortunately, they are almost impossible to escape, especially during the upcoming wet, humid summer months. If you are tired of constantly swatting away mosquitoes but refuse to resign yourself to living with them, the following five mosquito control tips are meant for you.
Watch Out For Water
Mosquitoes can’t resist standing water, so if there is water pooling up around the yard you can expect plenty of mosquitoes as well. Here’s how to keep standing water at a minimum: Make sure your outdoor faucets aren’t dripping or leaking – leaky faucets can quickly create puddles near your foundation that are inviting to mosquitoes looking to lay eggs. Also remove any items in your yard that serve no real purpose except to collect water, such as buckets or overturned trash can lids
Use Natural Repellents
One of the best ways to control mosquitoes around your home is to use natural repellents. This can include lighting citronella candles or torches in the parts of your yard where you’ll be hanging out. Also, although not a true repellent – yellow outdoor lighting can help keep mosquitoes at bay since they are not attracted to yellow light the way they are to traditional incandescent lighting.
Invest in a Mosquito Magnet or Mosquito Trap
These machines are capable of controlling the population of mosquitoes across an entire acre of property. The machine burns propane and sends out a steady stream of carbon dioxide – something that mosquitoes are incredibly attracted to. When the mosquitoes come close to the machine, they are sucked into a net and killed.
Some of these beneficial plants are:
Horsemint: a fast-growing, drought-resistant plant that reaches a height and width of two to three feet. Horsemint is well-suited to dry, sandy soil and tolerates salty conditions – which is why it’s ideal for coastal and beach areas like North Florida.
Ageratum: also known as Flossflowers, ageratum gives off an aroma which mosquitos find very offensive. Ageratum plants secrete coumarin, a widely used component in commercial mosquito repellents.
Marigolds: normally used as an ornamental border plant, marigolds also give off a distinctive smell which mosquitoes (and even some gardeners) find particularly offensive. Marigolds contain pyrethrum, a compound used in insect repellents.
Catnip: the plant that makes cats go crazy is an effective mosquito repellent as well. This plant is particularly effective at controlling mosquitoes and has been shown to be possibly more effective than DEET in small areas. If you are a cat owner beware, however: catnip plants will cause your cat to respond to it the way they do to dried catnip – you may want to choose another plant if you have cats.
Surprising Secrets to Mosquito-Proof Your Home
Mosquitoes raiding your space? From practical tips to prep your yard to bug sprays and plants that repel mosquitoes to citronella accessories and more alternative options for bug bite protection, we’ve got you covered.
Know Your Enemy
Bust those mosquito myths by learning what really attracts mosquitoes
If you’ve ever wondered what makes you a tastier meal for mosquitoes compared to others, it’s not because of your blood, or what you eat. Any advice you may have heard to load up on garlic, bananas, and vitamin B12 does not have any effect on reducing mosquito bites.
Protect Your Skin
How to choose the best bug spray for your family
For active adults and children, knowing how to find the right mosquito repellent is just as important as the freedom it provides outdoors.
Turn Your Garden into a Mosquito-Free Zone
Add mosquito-repellent plants to your perimeter
Lemon grass
Lemon balm
Using special plants as secret weapons against pests like mosquitoes is not just for experienced gardeners anymore.
Find the Hidden Hot Spots
Squash mosquito breeding in your yard before it starts
Mosquitoes are known for laying eggs in stagnant water, which can be found in more places around your home than you think. Check all potential areas that can hold standing water for more than a few days at a time. Fountains, ponds, and swimming pools may be the most obvious, but also try to consider any other unconventional sources such as, clogged gutters, birdbaths, pet dishes, and more. Replace tire swings and drill holes to the bottom of any containers that may need to be outdoors. Turn over any empty flower pots, wheelbarrows, watering cans, and other garden accessories to avoid collecting water.
If you have a mosquito problem, it’s time to do something about it. Here are three reasons why you need to remove these pests from your backyard.
Mosquitos Carry Disease
Mosquitos carry a wide range of different diseases, including the Zika virus and malaria. Although mosquito-borne diseases are a bigger problem in other countries, getting rid of these pests from your yard will keep you and your family safe.
Mosquitos Bite
Mosquitos bite millions of humans every year. Sometimes, mosquito bites cause swollen, sore, and irritated skin. What’s the solution? Mosquito misting systems protect you from mosquito bites by creating an invisible barrier between you and these pests. These products kill mosquitoes by spraying safe, natural pesticides in a fine mist. Use a misting system to target mosquitoes in your backyard.
Mosquitos are a Nuisance
Like all pests, mosquitoes are seriously annoying. They can lay eggs around your backyard and even enter your property.

How to get rid of mosquito bites fast, and prevent them in the first place
Ever notice that when you scratch a mosquito bite it just makes it itchier? There’s a reason for that — and a way to treat that itch so it’s not so annoying. But scratching is not the way. When a mosquito bites you, it triggers your immune system, which releases histamine to attack the foreign invasion.
However, if you’re patient, don’t scratch, and try some of the following treatment options, you can find relief as well as get rid of that mosquito bite faster.
Apply calamine lotion or anti-itch cream
Calamine lotion is made up of the medication calamine and zinc oxide, which are used to treat skin irritations like mosquito bites. “Most lotions and creams create a cooling sensation that temporarily relieves itching and discomfort,” says
In addition to calamine lotion, you can soothe a mosquito bite with:
Hydrocortisone cream. This over-the-counter steroid cream relieves swelling and itching, but should not be used on broken skin, Mentel says. If you’ve been scratching, skip this, as these steroids are meant to be used only on top of your skin and should not enter your body.
Antihistamine cream. These creams, which are available over-the-counter or as a prescription, counteract your body’s release of histamines to reduce itch. You should talk with your doctor before using an antihistamine cream, as in some cases, it may have adverse side effects.
Take antihistamines
Antihistamines can be applied topically with a cream (as mentioned above), or taken as an oral tablet. If you have an itchy bug bite, topical cream might work better to alleviate itch and it will help you avoid side effects like drowsiness, which are common with oral antihistamines. However, oral antihistamines can still help.